[Video] The Opening Ceremony of Mediterranean and Asia Marine Alliance
The Opening Ceremony has attended by about 160 guests from organizations…

The Establishment of MAMA: Creating a cross-sector, cross-region and cross ocean resource integration platform
(23 Sep. 2020, Taipei) Taiwan is surrounded by sea and built…

‘More Blue’: An Artwork Shows the Sea Changing During Lockdown
A data-driven media installation, created to reflect marine conditions…

Elementary school students on sailor training reach Penghu
Taipei, July 26 (CNA) A group of Taiwan elementary school students,…

Opening Ceremony of Mediterranean and Asia Marine Alliance
Ocean is the asset of all human kinds in the world. Ocean resources…

Remote fishing village under threat
With two-thirds of its land gobbled up by developers and the…

8 Nautical Novels That Will Make You Want to Run Off to Sea
Nautical fiction deserves a place on your summer reading list.…

Syaman Rapongan – Taiwan’s Ocean Literature Writer
Syaman Rapongan
About the writer
Syaman Rapongan,…